About Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
Getting Involved
1. Pick up box in Church Foyer
2. Mark as: girl or boy & what age category
3. Remove packaging if possible; creates space.
4. Only use the shoeboxes given to us by
Samaritan Purse.
5. Do not gift wrap as it will be opened at
No-No’s Candy, food, toothpaste, glue
stick, ChapStick, Play dough, liquids, Soap, war
toys, play money or play weapons.
Essential ITEMS:
Paper, pencils, pens, little notebooks,
calculators, pencil sharpeners,
colored pencils, crayons
Balls, Jump Ropes, Cars
Dolls, Stuffed Animals, Small Puzzles,
Frisbees, beads
Hairbrushes or Combs
Hair ties or headbands Water bottle,
socks, Sunglasses, Flip Flops,
Flashlights, T-Shirts, underwear
Caps, Beanies, gloves