You can watch a recording of our previous sermons, or listen to one as a podcast while you go about your day!
1 Peter Overview (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 1:6-12 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 1:13-21 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 1:22-2:3 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 2:4-10 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 2:11-20 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 2:21-25 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 3:8-12 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 3:13-17 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 3:18-22 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 4:7-11 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 4:12-14 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 4:15-19 (Video) (Audio)
1 Peter 5:10-14 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel Overview (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 2:31-49 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 3:19-30 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 6:11-23 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 6:24-27 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 9:20-24 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 9:25-26 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 9:27-27 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 10:1-21 (Video) (Audio)
Daniel 11:1-35 (Video) (Audio)
01: The Danger of Departing: (Video) (Audio)
02: The Avenue of Apostasy: (Video) (Audio)
03: The Avenue of Apostasy pt.2: (Video) (Audio)
04: The Avenue of Apostasy pt.3: (Video) (Audio)
05: The Sureness of Scripture: (Video) (Audio)
06: The Foolishness of the Fallen: (Video) (Audio)
07: The Trail of Truth: (Video) (Audio)
08: The Trail of Truth pt.2: (Video) (Audio)
Jesus Is Alive: 24:36-53 (Video) (Audio)
From Unbelief to Understanding: 24:13-35 (Video) (Audio)
The Testimony of Christ’s Resurrection: 24:1-12 (Video) (Audio)
This is the Son of God: 23:44-56 (Video) (Audio)
Confirmations of the Cross: 23:26-43 (Video) (Audio)
Found Guilty of Being Guiltless: 23:1-25 (Video) (Audio)
The Suffering Begins: 22:54-71 (Video) (Audio)
Wanting God’s Will: 22:39-53 (Video) (Audio)
Proclamations of the Last Passover: 22:21-38 (Video) (Audio)
Partaking of the Last Passover: 22:14-20 (Video) (Audio)
Preparations Before the Last Passover: 22:1-13 (Video) (Audio)
Watchfulness & Worthiness as we Wait pt.2: 21:20-38 (Video) (Audio)
Watchfulness & Worthiness as we Wait: 21:5-19 (Video) (Audio)
Giving to the Lord’s Work: 21:1-4 (Video) (Audio)
The Truth Can’t be Trapped Pt. 2: 20:27-47 (Video) (Audio)
The Truth Can’t be Trapped: 20:1-26 (Video) (Audio)
The King and the Killjoys: 19:28-48 (Video) (Audio)
Before the Kingdom Comes: 19:11-27 (Video) (Audio)
Three Blind Men: 18:35-10 (Video) (Audio)
To Inherit Eternal Life: 18:18-34 (Video) (Audio)
Real Faith, Is it in You?: 18:1-17 (Video) (Audio)
Dangers of Denying Christ: 17:20-37 (Video) (Audio)
One in Ten: 17:11-19 (Video) (Audio)
Duties of Disciples: 17:1-10 (Video) (Audio)
Which Comparison Matters Most? 16:19-31 (Video) (Audio)
Liabilities of Loving Money: 16:1-18 (Video) (Audio)
Lost and Found pt.2: 15:11-24 (Video) (Audio)
Lost and Found pt.1: 15:1-10 (Video) (Audio)
Worthy or Worthless?: 14:25-35 (Video) (Audio)
Fellowship Faux Pas: 14:1-24 (Video) (Audio)
The Realm of God’s Kingdom: 13:18-35 (Video) (Audio)
Perspective, Patience, & Priority: 13:1-17 (Video) (Audio)
The Coming of Christ pt2: 12:49-59 (Video) (Audio)
The Coming of Christ pt1: 12:35-48 (Video) (Audio)
Guard Against Greed: 12:13-34 (Video) (Audio)
The Truth about false Teachers: 12:1-12 (Video) (Audio)
The Phoniness of the Pharisees: 11:37-54 (Video) (Audio)
Of Truth, Not Signs: 11:29-36 (Video) (Audio)
Of Deity, Not Devils: 11:14-28 (Video) (Audio)
How to Pray: 11:1-13 (Video) (Audio)
To Reveal Our Greatest Failings: 10:25-42 (Video) (Audio)
Laboring for the Lord: 10:1-24 (Video) (Audio)
Discipleship Deficiencies: 9:37-62 (Video) (Audio)
Behold His Glory: 9:28-36 (Video) (Audio)
Jesus’ Desire for His Disciples: 9:18-27 (Video) (Audio)
From Learners to Laborers: 9:1-17 (Video) (Audio)
The Impartial Compassion of Christ: 8:40-56 (Video) (Audio)
A Detour of Divine Demonstration: 8:26-39 (Video) (Audio)
Surviving Storms: 8:22-25 (Video) (Audio)
Take Heed How You Hear: 8:16-21 (Video) (Audio)
Do You Hear What I Hear: 8:1-15 (Video) (Audio)
7/3/22 “Seeking Sins Forgiveness” Luke 7:36-50
6/26/22 “Confirming the Christ” Luke 7:18-35
6/12/22 “The Unconditional Capability Of Christ” Luke 7:1-17
6/5/22 “Learning Fundamentals” Luke 6:39-49
5/29/22 “Loving Fully” Luke 6:27-38
5/15/22 “Looking Forward” Luke 6:17-26
4/24/22 “Reclaiming the Sabbath” Luke 6:1-16
4/10/22 “A New Way; God’s Way” Luke 5:27-39
4/3/22 “Diverse Demonstrations of Divine Devotion” Luke 5:12-26
The Harvest is why we’re Here: 12/29/24 (Video) (Audio)
The Magnitude of Christmas: 12/22/24 (Video) (Audio)
Count Your Blessings 11/24/24 (Video) (Audio)
Encourage One Another (Dave Neufeld): 05/12/24 (Video) (Audio)
Because Jesus is Risen: 03/31/24 (Video) (Audio)
Jesus Loves Me: 12/24/23 (Video) (Audio)
PRAISE THE LORD: 11/19/23 (Video) (Audio)
Life Lessons with Mephibosheth: 9/17/23 (Video) (Audio)
That Your Love Will Abound: 9/3/23 (Video) (Audio)
Elements of Evangelism: 6/4/23 (Video) (Audio)
True Truth: 5/28/23 (Video) (Audio)
The Unknown God Made Known: 4/9/23 (Video) (Audio)
Christ Our Passover: 4/2/23 (Video) (Audio)
A Great Change: 1/1/23 (Video) (Audio)
Love is the Motive of Christmas: 12/25/22 (Video) (Audio)
Worship Before His Throne: 11/20/22 (Video) (Audio)